If you can’t find the item on our website by using keyword search, you can check the category and advanced search to try to find out the items. Also, You can contact us by email and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
No, you don’t need to open an account to place an order on our Website. Simply checkout as a guest and provide the necessary details for us to process and deliver your order.
Yes, the prices on the Website are inclusive of all taxes.
Place an order on this site is easy and quick. Please just as the following steps:
• Find items you want
• Add to Shopping Cart
• Enter personal details
• Review and submit order
• Checkout
You should go to your shopping cart and find the item you don’t want to buy. Please click the “remove” button on the page. That item will be removed from your shopping cart.
At the “Order Tracking” part of this site, you can easy find the link of the carrier. When we start ship your item, we will send you an email including the tracking number, you can track your order with it.
If you are satisfactory with the item you have purchased, you just need check out. Your order will be completed.
After we dispatching your order, we will send you an email with a tracking number, you can check your order with the number on carrier’s website, such as DHL, USPS. The order is expected to arrive at the destination in 7-12 days, but influenced by COVID-19, there may be some uncertain factors, but it will be delivered at the earliest possible time.
Yes, we take utmost care in keeping your personal information safe and secure. We do not sell your information to any third-parties. For more details, refer to our Privacy Policy.
Contact Us:
Location: 4295 E Outer Dr, Detroit, MI 48234, USA
Email: serve@tindeshop.com
Business Hours:
8:00AM to 6:00PM (Mon-Fri)